what temperature is too cold for chickens at night?

Writer: Rana Talha

If you want to keep your chickens healthy and happy is essential for a successful and rewarding poultry experience. One critical factor to consider is the temperature at which chickens can thrive.

In this article, we will explain what temperature is too cold for chickens at night and when it becomes too cold for them, ensuring that your feathered friends remain comfortable and safe.

Understanding the Ideal Temperature

Chickens are remarkably resilient birds, but they have their limits when it comes to cold temperatures. The ideal nighttime temperature for most chicken breeds ranges between 35°F to 50°F (1.5°C to 10°C). This range is considered optimal for their well-being, as it allows them to maintain their body temperature and conserve energy while they sleep.

When Does It Become Too Cold?

When the temperature drops below the 35°F (1.5°C) mark, it starts to become too cold for chickens at night. However, the exact temperature at which chickens are affected by cold can vary depending on factors like breed, age, and overall health. Some cold-hardy breeds can withstand slightly lower temperatures, while others, especially younger or older chickens, may be more susceptible to the cold.

what temperature is too cold for chickens at night?

Some signs that your chicken feels too cold

  • >Huddling: Chickens will huddle together to conserve body heat when it gets too cold. If you notice your chickens tightly clustered, it's a sign that they are feeling the chill.

  • >Puffed Feathers: Cold chickens will fluff up their feathers to trap more air and create insulation. If your chickens appear puffed up, they are trying to stay warm.

  • >Reduced Activity: In colder weather, chickens tend to be less active. If they are staying inside the coop during the day or not venturing far from the coop, it might be too cold for them.

  • >Shivering: Just like humans, chickens shiver when they're cold. Watch for any signs of shivering, which is a clear indication that they are uncomfortably cold.

Protecting Your Chickens

  • Insulate the Coop: Ensure that your chicken coop is well-insulated and draft-free. Seal any gaps or cracks, and use appropriate insulation materials to keep the interior warmer.

  • Provide Heat: Consider using a heat lamp or heating pad specifically designed for poultry. Ensure it's placed safely and securely in the coop, so it doesn't pose a fire hazard. Use warm water for chickens.

  • Ventilation: Proper ventilation is crucial to prevent moisture buildup, which can be as harmful as cold temperatures. Ensure your coop has adequate ventilation while avoiding drafts. Use a thermometer for temperature-measuring Buy From Amazon.

  • Offer Extra Bedding: Add a thick layer of clean, dry bedding, such as straw or wood shavings, to the coop floor. This will provide additional insulation and warmth.

what temperature is too cold for chickens at night?


Understanding when it becomes too cold for chickens at night is essential for their well-being. By monitoring their behavior and providing proper shelter and care, you can ensure that your feathered friends remain comfortable and healthy during colder months. Now you know what temperature is too cold for chickens at night.

Remember that individual chicken breeds may have different temperature tolerances, so it's crucial to know your flock and provide them with the best care possible during chilly nights. Hope you buy a thermometer from Upper Link that helps to measure indoor and outdoor temperature.

Frequently Asked Questions

How cold can chickens tolerate at night?

In colder conditions, chickens tolerate almost (-6 to -4c) but keep in your mind providing proper shelter, and provide warm water for drinking.

Do chickens need heat at night?

If the temperature is normal or a little bit cold minimum 2c at this stage chickens don't need any kind of heat at night, but if the temperature is very low then chickens need heat at night.

How do I know if my chicken is cold?

If your chicken still stands in one place, eat and drink less, huddling, and shivering these are the signs that your chicken is cold.