What color Eggs Do Black Chickens Lay?


Black chickens, such as the popular Ayam Cemani breed, have captured the fascination of poultry enthusiasts around the world. Besides their striking appearance, many people are curious about the eggs these dark-feathered birds produce. In this article, we'll explain what color eggs do black chickens lay? the intriguing world of black chicken eggs and unveil the mystery surrounding their color.

What color eggs do black chickens lay?

The Ayam Cemani: A Black Chicken

  • Ayam Cemani, originally from Indonesia, is renowned for its entirely black exterior, from feathers to internal organs. These unique birds have become a symbol of elegance and mystery in the world of poultry.

Egg Color Variations in Chickens

  • The color of chicken eggs is primarily determined by genetics, with different breeds laying eggs in a spectrum of hues. White Leghorns lay white eggs, while Rhode Island Reds produce brown ones. However, the Ayam Cemani breaks away from this conventional pattern.

What color Eggs Do Black Chickens Lay?

Ayam Cemani Egg Color

  • Contrary to expectations, Ayam Cemani chickens lay cream-colored or tinted eggs. The contrast between the dark exterior of the chicken and the light color of its eggs adds to the allure of this breed. The cream-colored eggs are a delightful surprise for those expecting eggs as dark as the chicken itself.

The Genetics Behind Egg Color

  • Understanding the genetics of egg color in chickens is essential to comprehend the unique case of Ayam Cemani. The genes responsible for feather color and eggshell color are separate, leading to the unusual combination of black feathers and light-colored eggs in these birds.

Eggshell Pigments and Ayam Cemani Eggs

  • The pigments responsible for eggshell color are known as protoporphyrins. While Ayam Cemani chickens may lack the pigment responsible for dark eggshells, they still possess the genes for producing the typical protoporphyrins, resulting in cream-colored eggs.

What color Eggs Do Black Chickens Lay?

Egg Laying Characteristics of Ayam Cemani

  • Ayam Cemani hens are known for their consistent egg production. Despite their relatively small size, they contribute to the poultry world with a steady supply of unique-looking eggs.

Nutritional Value of Ayam Cemani Eggs

  • Beyond their visual appeal, Ayam Cemani eggs boast a nutritional profile similar to other chicken eggs. They are a rich source of protein, vitamins, and minerals, making them a healthy addition to your diet.


In conclusion, the mystery behind the color of eggs laid by black chickens, particularly the Ayam Cemani, has been unraveled. While the exterior of these birds may be as dark as midnight, their eggs surprise us with a delicate cream hue.

This contrast adds to the allure of Ayam Cemani and makes them a unique and captivating choice for poultry enthusiasts. As we continue to explore the diverse world of chicken breeds, the Ayam Cemani stands out not only for its striking appearance but also for the intriguing color of its eggs.

What color Eggs Do Black Chickens Lay?